Source code for acton.cli

"""Command-line interface for Acton."""

import logging
import struct
import sys
from typing import BinaryIO, Iterable, List

import acton.acton
import acton.predictors
import acton.proto.wrappers
import acton.recommenders
import click

[docs]def read_bytes_from_buffer(n: int, buffer: BinaryIO) -> bytes: """Reads n bytes from stdin, blocking until all bytes are received. Parameters ---------- n How many bytes to read. buffer Which buffer to read from. Returns ------- bytes Exactly n bytes. """ b = b'' while len(b) < n: b += - len(b)) assert len(b) == n return b
[docs]def read_binary() -> bytes: """Reads binary data from stdin. Notes ----- The first eight bytes are expected to be the length of the input data as an unsigned long long. Returns ------- bytes Binary data. """ logging.debug('Reading 8 bytes from stdin.') length = read_bytes_from_buffer(8, sys.stdin.buffer) length, = struct.unpack('<Q', length) logging.debug('Reading {} bytes from stdin.'.format(length)) return read_bytes_from_buffer(length, sys.stdin.buffer)
[docs]def write_binary(string: bytes): """Writes binary data to stdout. Notes ----- The output will be preceded by the length as an unsigned long long. """ logging.debug('Writing 8 + {} bytes to stdout.'.format(len(string))) length = struct.pack('<Q', len(string)) logging.debug('Writing length {} ({}).'.format(length, len(string))) sys.stdout.buffer.write(length) sys.stdout.buffer.write(string) sys.stdout.buffer.flush()
# acton @click.command() @click.option('--data', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), help='Path to features/labels file', required=True) @click.option('-l', '--label', type=str, help='Column name of labels', required=True) @click.option('-o', '--output', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), help='Path to output file', required=True) @click.option('-f', '--feature', type=str, multiple=True, help='Column names of features') @click.option('--epochs', type=int, help='Number of epochs to run active learning for', default=100) @click.option('-i', '--id', type=str, help='Column name of IDs') @click.option('--diversity', type=float, help='Diversity of recommendations', default=0.0) @click.option('--recommendation-count', type=int, help='Number of recommendations to make', default=1) @click.option('--labeller-accuracy', type=float, help='Accuracy of simulated labellers', default=1.0) @click.option('--initial-count', type=int, help='Number of random instances to label initially', default=10) @click.option('--predictor', type=click.Choice(acton.predictors.PREDICTORS.keys()), default='LogisticRegression', help='Predictor to use') @click.option('--recommender', type=click.Choice(acton.recommenders.RECOMMENDERS.keys()), default='RandomRecommender', help='Recommender to use') @click.option('--pandas-key', type=str, default='', help='Key for pandas HDF5') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Verbose output') def main( data: str, label: str, output: str, feature: str, epochs: int, id: str, diversity: float, recommendation_count: int, labeller_accuracy: float, initial_count: int, predictor: str, recommender: str, verbose: bool, pandas_key: str, ): logging.warning('Not implemented: diversity, id_col, labeller_accuracy') logging.captureWarnings(True) if verbose: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return acton.acton.main( data_path=data, feature_cols=feature, label_col=label, output_path=output, n_epochs=epochs, initial_count=initial_count, recommender=recommender, predictor=predictor, pandas_key=pandas_key, n_recommendations=recommendation_count) # acton-predict @click.command() @click.option('--predictor', type=click.Choice(acton.predictors.PREDICTORS.keys()), default='LogisticRegression', help='Predictor to use') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Verbose output') def predict( predictor: str, verbose: bool, ): # Logging setup. logging.captureWarnings(True) if verbose: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Read labels. labels = read_binary() labels = acton.proto.wrappers.LabelPool.deserialise(labels) # Write predictions. proto = acton.acton.predict(labels=labels, predictor=predictor) write_binary(proto.proto.SerializeToString()) # acton-recommend @click.command() @click.option('--diversity', type=float, help='Diversity of recommendations', default=0.0) @click.option('--recommendation-count', type=int, help='Number of recommendations to make', default=1) @click.option('--recommender', type=click.Choice(acton.recommenders.RECOMMENDERS.keys()), default='RandomRecommender', help='Recommender to use') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Verbose output') def recommend( diversity: float, recommendation_count: int, recommender: str, verbose: bool, ): # Logging setup. logging.warning('Not implemented: diversity') logging.captureWarnings(True) if verbose: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Read the predictions protobuf. predictions = read_binary() predictions = acton.proto.wrappers.Predictions.deserialise(predictions) # Write the recommendations protobuf. proto = acton.acton.recommend( predictions=predictions, recommender=recommender, n_recommendations=recommendation_count) write_binary(proto.proto.SerializeToString()) # acton-label
[docs]def lines_from_stdin() -> Iterable[str]: """Yields lines from stdin.""" for line in sys.stdin: line = line.strip() logging.debug('Read line {} from stdin.'.format(repr(line))) if line: yield line
@click.command() @click.option('--data', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), help='Path to labels file', required=False) @click.option('-l', '--label', type=str, help='Column name of labels', required=False) @click.option('-f', '--feature', type=str, multiple=True, help='Column names of features') @click.option('--labeller-accuracy', type=float, help='Accuracy of simulated labellers', default=1.0) @click.option('--pandas-key', type=str, default='', help='Key for pandas HDF5') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Verbose output') def label( data: str, feature: List[str], label: str, labeller_accuracy: float, verbose: bool, pandas_key: str, ): # Logging setup. logging.warning('Not implemented: labeller_accuracy') logging.captureWarnings(True) if verbose: logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # If any arguments are specified, expect all arguments. if data or label or pandas_key: if not data or not label: raise ValueError('--data, --label, or --pandas-key specified, but ' 'missing --data or --label.') # Handle database arguments. data_path = data feature_cols = feature label_col = label # Read IDs from stdin. ids_to_label = [int(i) for i in lines_from_stdin()] # There wasn't a recommendations protobuf given, so we have no existing # labelled instances. labelled_ids = [] # Construct the recommendations protobuf. DB, db_kwargs = acton.acton.get_DB(data_path, pandas_key=pandas_key) db_kwargs['label_col'] = label_col db_kwargs['feature_cols'] = feature_cols with DB(data_path, **db_kwargs) as db: recs = acton.proto.wrappers.Recommendations.make( recommended_ids=ids_to_label, labelled_ids=labelled_ids, recommender='None', db=db) else: # Read a recommendations protobuf from stdin. recs = read_binary() recs = acton.proto.wrappers.Recommendations.deserialise(recs) proto = acton.acton.label(recs) write_binary(proto.proto.SerializeToString()) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())