Source code for acton.labellers

"""Labeller classes."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import acton.database
import numpy

[docs]class Labeller(ABC): """Base class for labellers. Attributes ---------- """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def query(self, id_: int) -> numpy.ndarray: """Queries the labeller. Parameters ---------- id_ ID of instance to label. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray T x F label array. """
[docs]class ASCIITableLabeller(Labeller): """Labeller that obtains labels from an ASCII table. Attributes ---------- path : str Path to table. id_col : str Name of the column where IDs are stored. label_col : str Name of the column where binary labels are stored. _table : astropy.table.Table Table object. """ def __init__(self, path: str, id_col: str, label_col: str): """ path Path to table. id_col Name of the column where IDs are stored. label_col Name of the column where binary labels are stored. """ self.path = path self.id_col = id_col self.label_col = label_col self._table = self._id_to_name = {} for id_, row in enumerate(self._table): name = row[self.id_col] self._id_to_name[id_] = name
[docs] def query(self, id_: int) -> numpy.ndarray: """Queries the labeller. Parameters ---------- id_ ID of instance to label. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 1 x 1 label array. """ for row in self._table: if row[self.id_col] == self._id_to_name[id_]: return row[self.label_col].reshape((1, 1)) raise KeyError('Unknown id: {}'.format(id_))
[docs]class DatabaseLabeller(Labeller): """Labeller that obtains labels from a Database. Attributes ---------- _db : acton.database.Database Database with labels. """ def __init__(self, db: acton.database.Database): """ db Database with labels to read from. """ self._db = db
[docs] def query(self, id_: int) -> numpy.ndarray: """Queries the labeller. Parameters ---------- id_ ID of instance to label. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 1 x 1 label array. """ return self._db.read_labels([0], [id_]).reshape((1, 1))
# For safe string-based access to labeller classes. LABELLERS = { 'ASCIITableLabeller': ASCIITableLabeller, 'DatabaseLabeller': DatabaseLabeller, }